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School Uniform

Information For Parents – School Uniform

 We believe that a high standard of dress reflects our high expectations at Biddick Primary School and encourages children to take a pride in their appearance and in our school. Please make sure you familiarise yourselves with the rules and regulations with regards to our Dress Code and P.E. kit. Thank you for your support with this.

Uniform is available to purchase new via the Tots to Teams store via this link https://totstoteams.com/schools/and can be delivered to the school or your home. Preloved uniform (can be obtained free of charge or in return for a small donation to FOB via the school office) by emailing gail.graham@biddickprimary.org.uk  stating the items and sizes that you require.

It is not compulsory for children to wear shirts, sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo; plain white shirts and red sweatshirts or cardigans can be purchased from any uniform retailer or supermarket.

Please consider donating any clean preloved items to school via the main school reception.



Children must wear:

Shirts, blouses or polo shirts in white;

Jumpers or cardigans in red; 

Pinafores/skirts or trousers in grey/black; 

Tights/socks in black, grey, red or white;

Black shoes/boots or plain black trainers. 

In hot weather:

Knee length black/grey shorts or a red checked summer dress may be worn.







Our Nursery children wear:

A red or white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms, a red jumper or cardigan and black school shoes with a Velcro fastening.

We cannot stress enough the need to label all items of clothing and possessions. Matching lost items to rightful owners is very difficult without proper labelling.

P.E. Days

On P.E. Days, children come into school in their kit:

Black shorts/plain jogging bottoms, red t-shirt and trainers

Red P.E. hoodie or their school jumper/cardigan

Earrings must not be worn for P.E. and long hair should be tied back.

Football tops and branded sportswear are not allowed. 


With the exception of small stud earrings and a watch, jewellery is not permitted for health and safety reasons. This includes wristbands.

We would advise parents/carers to have their child’s ears pierced at the beginning of the summer holidays so that by the time they return in September, earrings can be easily removed for P.E. 

Hair And Nails

Painted or false nails and hairstyles such as tramlines or dyed hair are inappropriate for school and should be saved for occasions during school holidays.