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Smart Parking

As is the case at many schools across the country, the area surrounding our school is extremely busy when parents and carers are dropping off and collecting children.  We would like you to help us to keep our children safe on their journey to school. 

In order to allow safe access, the area around school needs to remain clear. If possible, it is recommended that parents walk their children to school if they live locally. If not, can we urge you to leave your car a little further out; a five-minute walk could make all the difference to the safety of our children.


If you MUST park near to school, please be considerate towards pupils and local residents.


  • Do not park on zig-zag lines or keep clear markings.
  • Do not park across dropped kerbs or drives.


  • Do not park on footpaths.


  • Please park safely and be considerate of children and

      residents by not causing an obstruction.


We can all appreciate how difficult parking can be at drop-off and collection times but poor and inconsiderate parking can put lives at risk. Keeping the immediate vicinity outside of school free from parked cars will allow children and adults walking in and out of school to travel safely, where they can see and be seen by approaching traffic.  The safety of our pupils must be a priority in everything that we do.




Vehicles are not allowed on any part of the school grounds between

8.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.

Please help us by informing any friends or family members, who pick up your children, of these arrangements.